module snowpyt.pit_class

File defining a python class for snowpit data

November 2016, Simon Filhol

Global Variables

  • snowflake_symbol_dict

  • path2snowflake

class layer

method __init__


class temperature_profile

method __init__


class density_profile

method __init__


class sample_profile

method __init__


class metadata

method __init__


class Snowpit

method __init__


method calc_SWE

calc_SWE(method='avg', ice_layer_density=680)

Functino to compute SWE using three methods: avg SWE for all pit ‘avg’, SWE based on density samples ‘samples’, and SWE based


  • method (str): ‘avg’, ‘samples’ or ‘layers’. no default - ‘avg’ is simply the - ‘samples’ is density by density samples. Top and bottom layer from all top to all bottom to half between density sample 1;2 and N-1;N. All others, make layer horizons between samples, use density sample in middle of these layers as density - ‘layers’ is density by strat-layer, find matching density sample.Ice layer density a given density.if more than one match, use average. if no matches, search for neareast. (or search for nearest two, upper and lower, and make average)

  • ice_layer_density (int): assign a constant density to ice layers (An ice layer is detected when hand hardness index = knife = 6)


  • float: SWE in [cm]

method import_caamlv6


method import_sample_csv


Function to import sample profiles.


  • bar_plot (bool): plot sample profile as bar instead of line-scatter. Default is False

method plot

    figsize=(8, 4),
    plot_order=['temperature', 'density', 'crystal size', 'stratigraphy', 'hardness', 'sample names', 'dD', 'd18O', 'd-ex']

Function to plot pit data


  • save (bool): save plot

  • metadata (bool): add metadata to plot

  • invert_depth (bool): invert depth/height axis. Default is height

  • figsize (tuple): size of plot in inch. default matplotlib setting

  • dpi (int): plot resolution, pixel per inches

  • plot_order (list): list of plots to add to the figure, the order defines the order of the plots

method print_layers


method print_metadata


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